What is CBD, and how does it work?
CBD, or Cannabidiol, is a naturally occurring compound of cannabis. CBD can be extracted from organic hemp to have all the good parts of the plant except THC. We call this the Entourage Effect, which is simply all the parts of the plant working together in synergy to provide effective treatment but none of the psychoactive, or "stoney" effects of traditional cannabis.
CBD works by interacting with cells in both the the brain and nervous system, known as the "endocannabinoid system". The relationship between these cells and receptors is thought to affect the immune system. For example, CBD may prevent the body from metabolizing anandamide, a compound associated with pain regulation. So, maintaining high levels of anandamides in your bloodstream may reduce your feelings of pain.
CBD is also known to limit inflammation within the body, which may also help reduce pain and other immune system responses.
Learn more about our Broad Spectrum CBD HERE.
Broad Spectrum CBD Original Tincture
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